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Bořek's corner - XIII.

Bořek is returing back to the match against Bayer and he's commenting the difference between the results home and away. Two questions are asked by supporters, so if you have any question, just leave it below this article as a comment (jméno=name, nadpis=title).


1) Back to the match against  Leverkusen. It seemed that the opponent is on a very high level, they won quite deservedly the match. What did Rosenborg miss to get at least one point out of the match? 
I think we stepped into the game very well and we missed just a scoring and getting into the lead to get a better result. Then, of course, match could look different. But in the second half Leverkusen showed their quality with improved and gave precision to combination and created good opportunities. 

2) In the league this season, RBK has a very good balance in away matches, even you seem to feel better outside than at Lerkendal. What could be the reason of this quality statistics of the away matches? Is it an advantage for the team to play (probably) decisive matches for the title (with Molde and Godset) outside? 
I agree. This year we played good away games, and thanks to them we are still in the fight for the title. Maybe it's because of the style of home-team players. In home games the players of opponents try to play more offensive and it suits us. Maybe it's also in our approach and we are in away duels more focused and cautious in the defense. But nevertheless the home-environment is quite an advantage for such important matches, but we do believe in us. 

3) "Jonas" asking: Hi, Bořek. After playing some amazing games this season, your performances seems to have dropped a bit the last few games. Is the tight schedule a problem? Wouldnt it be smart to give you a rest, since youve played almost every match this season? Hope to see you back i top shape soon, we need a Bořek in top shape to win the gold. Good luck and keep scoring many goals! Thanks, you are every RBK-fan favorite player.
I had rest during the last national team break, now I'm ready 

4) "Gamst" asking : Bořek, has Svensson's Chinese already turned into anything more comprehensible?  
 I do not think he will change anything just because of me  . Still hellish mumbling 



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