Bořek's corner - IV.
Below you can read another portion of the answers of the Czech midfielder Bořek Dočkal. The last question is asked again by one of the visitors of this site. If you also have an interesting question, just put it under this article as a comment, Bořek will be surely happy to answer!
An obligatory question - anything interesting from the last league round?
I want to highlight the scoring efficiency of my teammates. Steffen has three goals in four league rounds and Jim Larsen has scored two as defender. Jim is incredibly strong in headers and basically in every game he finds himself in a goalscoring opportunity. It is very important to have such a player in the team and sometimes to find a help from the set pieces. Just set pieces can help us to win an equal match.
Zdeněk Ondrášek already scored a second goal for Tromsø. Are you following his performance and are you in touch with each other?
To be honest, I have not seen any game of Tromsø this year so far, but they have had a very good start and they are on the top of the table. For him personally it's a successful beginning, goals are the main instrument for evaluation of attackers, he can be satisfied with the score. We are not in contact, basically I don't know him so much, I think we were together only during one junior national team meeting. On Sunday we will compete against each other, so before the game there will be probably a time to talk.
You (=RBK) started in the same way in Fredrikstad as you played the second half against Sogndal. But after the break the game changed. What was the main reason? The coach held a speech during the break?
I think we got "healthy" angry after the first half and that helped us to reverse the match together with a greater courage to combined. We knew we were not playing so well and we can't continue this way. The coach had to say something of course, but he is not the type of coach who makes a storm in the changing room. I think that there was no need, we have enough experienced team to step up and turn the game's development.
Peter Ankersen is the newest player in RBK? How do you see him, is he able to replace Jon Inge Høiland in a short time? Which one of them do you prefer to cooperate with on the right side ?
It is difficult to answer. He seems to be OK durign the practising, he is skillful with the ball and has good passes. But training is just a training and the match is the match. I've met a lot of players who were very good in practice, almost without any possibility to steal the ball but in a match they wery weak and didn't repeat anything from the practising. So I would definitely wait for some evaluation till he gets the opportunity in the league. There is no reason to change the composition of the defense, it is working well and specifically Jon Inge showes stable and reliable performance, and I would say that our cooperation is working well. Peter arrived after the start of the season and is in a position where one has to wait for their chance.
("V.Ř." is asking) Hi Bořek. I went this weekend to see the Poděbrady match. It was a misery. Could you come to play one, two matches ...they are now playing for the promotion?
I will try to arrange it here, maybe they will allow me to play for Poděbrady till the end of the season! I should be there during the battle for the promotion